jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007

christ in you

FIFTH LESSONTHE WILL OF GODWHAT a long time it takes us to understand the will of God! You often use the phrase, "I have made up my mind." This has a great deal of meaning, if you pause to consider it, for in that very process you begin to bring into manifestation the desire of the mind. Thus you say: "I see a wrong condition in my mind, my mentality, my circumstances; I will make up my mind, this shall not be." You mentally set in motion the forces of the universe, seen and unseen, to accomplish your will. You see, it is impossible to live carelessly or lightly on the spiritual plane, and these lessons would be of no use to any one who has not been aroused to true spiritual consciousness, the consciousness of the divine humanity, the I AM. How can the will of God be expressed except through life, through humanity, in the hearts and 167168CHRIST IN YOUminds of beings who exist in Himself? There. fore know that the will of God is operative in yourself. Then how is it that the things we will and desire do not come to us, you may ask. Because deep down in all your desires, thoughts, and purposes there is an undercurrent, as it were, the thought within the thought, the desire within the desire, and what you most truly desire is always at the root of all your fleeting impressions and moods of the moment. Have you not often felt that the very thing you desire is not for your eternal good? Well, that very glimmer, that faint suggestion, is from the self of you that is making your life. You know within yourself the very quality, the very experiences best suited for your highest good. Once you give full play to this subtle suggestion behind1 all your thinking, you are one with the will of God, which is your own will. This is the voice of the spirit, heed its whisperings. Do not sin against the Holy Ghost, or you will lose eye and ear and become blind and deaf. On the plane1 Isa. xxx. 21.THE WILL OF GOD169of the senses this is most disastrous, because you are just where you are to do the will of God. It is your meat and2 drink. So delicate and so subtle is this holy inner voice that you must be very quiet and meek, if you would hear3 it. Let Jesus speak to you again and again, read the Gospels until you are led more and more to remove the veil which hides you from your true self. I have only answered your question, but hope to speak to you again on this subject. Peace, Heavenly Grace. God lives in you, He is your life.2 John iv. 34. 3 Ps. xxv. 2.SIXTH LESSONWORKERS TOGETHER WITH GODTHERE really is no such thing as space. For you, as for us, the spiritual law of attraction operates, but your consciousness of limitation, of distance, makes you blind and deaf to a great extent. At a later period of your unfoldment, to desire is to possess. Thus, if we wish to see you, our thought is a vital force, we are in your actual presence immediately, we are so close to you. Thought is so potent, so swift; every thought of ours becomes an outward expression; although you may not see it, you cannot think without a result. Be very careful that you think from the spiritual plane. The phenomena of time and sense are like children's toys to us. They will be discarded as you dwell in the higher consciousness. What divides us now is simply and only that you are not dwelling in, not breathing, seeing, hearing from the spiritual plane. Every effort to rise helps another; but 170WORKERS TOGETHER WITH GOD171see to it that you are watchful, vigilant, purposeful, and loving. You partake of the inflow and outflow of the breath of God. This is best described as waves, impelled by an irresistible law, and your whole planet is continually being swept over by this mighty healing breath. I am explaining this for purposes of healing, and hope to explain later that there are periods of outflow and recall. We wish you to breathe forth your healing currents in unison with the almighty good. Your cooperation is necessary for individual needs. Noon and sunrise are good times for raising conditions of false consciousness into the great One, especially the conditions known to you as feverish and nervous, or the consciousness of weakness. Other cases I hope to explain as I see you coming into contact; but previous to the expression of your desire for the healing of the body and a change of circumstances, breathe out a strong positive assurance of mans unity with God. Your highest good is to banish the idea of separation from God. Bands of us are striving to influence men and172CHRIST IN YOUwomen to free your land of asylums, reformatories, prisons, and similar places. Their inmates could be helped and healed so much more easily if they could be brought in contact with those who have learned the great truths we come to teach. We do not give these lessons for any other reason than to help your world, which we love. We hope to be of practical use in freeing your world from suffering, which is caused by ignorance. By this we do not mean that you escape discipline, but how can you begin to learn your real purpose for being if you are in bondage to false conditions? God did not purpose that your life should be spent in overcoming false conditions. He has a magnificent purpose, a part for you to take in His work. God bless you and keep you alive unto Himself and dead to sin. Amen.SEVENTH LESSONTHE CREATIVE ENERGYIT is the silent, creative great One, dwelling in the abyss of each, in whom we live and have our being. I am being taken within the centre of life. Again I am in the centre of power, but this time I remember that I have always been. The process of creation is always present, it is not a past series of events. There is no sense of past or future, but of a continuous present. I have already described the great, silent energy and the lack of colour and sound when in the centre, but this time the desire of life is upon me, the sense of lack. I desire beauty and colour. I am the positive one, and the virility and strength of the atmosphere around me lacks its opposite. With the desire I will, and soon the will, which is the producer, directs my forces. There is a new power about me. I am surrounded by a great are of light, and I become conscious of a 173174CHRIST IN YOUheart within myself. I love, I will! The are, which was of a varying shade of gold, slowly becomes roseate and glowing; the electrons of light are no longer colourless, but softened and shaded by pink. Love expresses the beautiful in colour. I am answered in myself. I am both positive and negative, male and female; and out of this consciousness, beauty of form and shade seem born; yet as I write this I know that perfection has always been, though I bring it into evidence by my will and desire. Colours surround me, and millions of shades seem to evolve from three—red, blue, and yellow. They harmonize and blend, and the place seems full of sound and form. I have desired, I have willed. The colours emit the sound, and soon I see the forms of flowers. These colours cannot be seen on the physical plane, though they are full of light and breath. As you see, this is extremely difficult to describe, as also for you to imagine, but the colours breathe and live, and are inter-related to sound and form. There seems no division between the moving shades and the appearance of elegant and delightful shapes. Truly I am in aTHE CREATIVE ENERGY175place of beauty, which is born out of the two in one. There is a sense of completeness, a harmony of many parts. The great energy is softened by beauty, and love is the breath of this life. The teacher speaks. You could not bear this for long, and the meaning will unfold to you. One single drop of dew contains what you have seen with the eye of the soul. The Creator is in the atom. Yes, truly, the whole of God is in the blade of grass. By this know that space is a meaningless word on the true plane of being. Everything is in the universal soul; the Christ mind alone comprehends. The one Self is creative, having both natures. In heaven there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage. This is the highest consciousness of Christ.EIGHTH LESSONGOD THE ONLY LIFEI WANT to tell you how real, how true it is, that nothing exists outside God, and I can best help you by the description of an experience of my own. Life both here and there is a constant unfoldment, always fresh, a continual revelation. I have already told you of my entrance into the spiritual world, and now may I speak of one of my steps into a greater fulness of God, into life more abundant? I had learnt many things, the spiritual faculties were quickened, and I was always learning that our especial need is to have greater capacities for God, to do as Paul says continually—"Yield1 yourselves unto God." It was most wonderful to discover that my thought instantly produced an outer environment; in fact, my thought came into being at once. For instance, I desire quiet for meditation—1 Rom. vi. 13.176GOD THE ONLY LIFE177I am instantly in a grove and all is stillness, inviting repose. I think music—and at once I hear sublimest strains, ravishing and melodious. I am satisfied—the music gently ceases. Truly, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, all that awaits us when we are in God. I desire to help, and I am sent to people who are climbing up; and oh! the joy of helping them to their own. This is my longing desire for you. Be ye holy2 (healthy), for I am holy (healthy), says God. Happiness and health and all good is God. There is no secret initiation, no mystery in God. You only need the heart of the child to3 enter the kingdom. It is true in a beautiful sense that there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed. All things are open and are yours. You are not always able to understand because you are not sufficiently evolved; but never forget that all is yours, for ye are God's. Even this exquisite joy around me, even the knowledge that my thought made me, did not seem enough, and I longed intensely4 for God2 Lev. xix. 2. 3 Mark x. 15. 4 Ps. xlii. 1.178CHRIST IN YOUabove all else, until I realized that nothing but the Infinite could satisfy me. This thought, this desire, was not answered in the usual way, but one of the shining ones who go in and out among us stood beside me and said, "Are you ready for the cleansing waters? Your prayer is heard." At the same time the spirit within repeated the familiar words: "Ye shall5 surely find ME." "Yes, yes," I said, "all for God," and I fell on my knees in an attitude of prayer. Then began the cleansing by the waters from the River of God. From within there arose a cleansing stream, that made me aware of its workings in my heart. My limitations must go. I, who thought I possessed relatives, friends, home, must learn that God must enlarge my heart with greater loves, more friendships. There are no limitations where God is, no claiming of personalities. God is all. The waters were bitter, but you must do this for the great gain. Your ideas and thoughts are not God's thoughts, nor are your ways God's ways.6 Ah, it is true, and it will be your eternal good to5 Jer. xxix. 13. 6 Isa. lv. 8.GOD THE ONLY LIFE179know this now. Everything that seemed peculiarly my own was simply swept away until I was as nothing, and longing only for God. The Angel spake again with great love and tenderness—"Thou shalt know thyself by this test: art thou content to be nothing, and know nothing?" With great faltering I answered "Yes." The reply came, "Know God, and thou shalt BE." I think there was a long time of quiet. I seemed to become conscious of fresh surroundings. I seemed in the centre of the worlds, in a place of strength; I was conscious of the heart of love, far above my understanding—the rest and comfort of a great strength, and yet I suppose the best description for you is that I seemed in the atmosphere of God—knowing nothing but God— wanting nothing but good; and yet aware that it would take me aeons to understand, to know and grow in this heavenly consciousness. Soon I saw our earth, I saw the blindness of men; though dwelling in this wondrous love they were content to live in shadow, in pain. "Lord, I must go to them, I must tell them," I thought. The voice of the180CHRIST IN YOUSpirit spoke within—" I7 am God, and beside me there is none else." "Amen, Amen, Amen," I answered. To dwell consciously in God is to inbreathe and outbreathe harmony and love. I am without limits, I revel in freedom, I cannot think sin, sickness, or death except to remove them; they have become to me less than vapour. God is all in all, and no one can be outside God. Even your very stones and rocks are interpenetrated by the God-life. "Awake, thou that sleepest, arise from the dead"; "Christ is8 the light of the world." Oh for a thousand voices to proclaim the truth that nothing is but God! Rise out of your false, shadowy consciousness and mount into the consciousness of love. "Truly He maketh my9 feet like hinds' feet." I know that in me the Christ has ascended to His Father; henceforth "the Father and I are one." In me the Trinity of the Three are one, and yet three. Spirit is substance, nothing can be real except7 Isa. xlv. 18. 8 John viii. 12. 9 Hab. M. 19.GOD THE ONLY LIFE181God; but joy of joys, as I met relatives, friends, and dear ones, I knew, how more than ever they were mine beyond thought of loss or separation! All I had lost was the fear of losing. God's thought is the only reality; the world is God's thought. You are yet to learn that all realities are in God's thought. You are to express them. Rise, dear heart, and take your place with us, that you may know God only, just where you are. Love never10 faileth. Begin now. This is the true way to bring in light and love, conquering death by the sacrifice of the body of sense, to rise in newness11 of life. I will come again. I have told you of this experience only to help. I would not have done so unless you were able to apprehend it. It will be meaningless to the seekers of wonders and signs. You must let self utterly melt away in order that Christ may come to His own.10 1 Cor. xiii. 8. 11 Rom vi. 4.NINTH LESSONHE GAVE HIMSELFAS you unfold in the consciousness of God, many inexplicable things become clear. One is the purifying process of pain. It is safer and grander to suffer, because, rightly viewed, it is sure to perfect the soul. Have you not sometimes felt the shallowness and the emptiness of joy? I tell you it is impossible to know true joy—the heights of joy—until you have known corresponding depths of pain. This is the process called "the refiner's fire."1 It is cleansing; it is good, and not evil. True joy—the joy of Heaven—should saturate the whole being, and touch the inner consciousness with a sense of its eternity, its everlastingness; and the suffering2 has prepared a place that joy may enter in. Learn the wisdom in these words—As sorrowful, yet3 always rejoicing."1 Mal. iii. 2. 2 Isa. ix. 2, 3.3 2 Cor. vi. 10.182HE GAVE HIMSELF183Now I would show you the difference between necessary suffering and useless pain, which is disorder; likewise between true joy and transient false joy. Divine humanity can attain the throne of the universe only by the way of the Cross. This is the way of sacrifice. Do not too hurriedly dismiss the pearl in the old orthodox teaching, it served its day and generation most efficiently. When man thought of himself as a separate and outside unit, only this teaching could help his unfoldment, so thank God for the ladder of dead creeds—dead selves. But now the divine Man is arising; He has burst the old4 bottles; the new wine of life cries out for space and freedom, as the sap does in the tree. Beware, for here is your danger; the suffering begins, which shall make the path by cleansing and burning up all that hinders the uprising of the divine in earth, air, and sea. The Son of God is come, and your very experiences of pain and suffering are the heralds of His approach. There is much more to be revealed to you, but we leave these messages with you to help you to4 Matt. ix. 17. Rev. xii. 10.184CHRIST IN YOUlive and express the highest within you, knowing that Christ will perfect that which concerneth Him, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's.THE END

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